News: Street Grade Separated Intersection Project



In 2010, Right to Education (RTE) Act was implemented with a view to increase the literacy rate across the nation on several levels. Even though several government and non-government schools were opened and many organisations ran campaigns for education of one and all, below statistics clearly state that it is still a long way to go for us.


No. of students enrolled in class VI-VIII (upper primary)


Year-on-year increase (in %)

































To pursue the goal of imparting education to the most population possible, Save Child life Foundation has charted several programs and campaigns.

Counseling of Parents- Insights have indicated that offspring of uninformed and illiterate parents are more inclined to issues like ailing health and malnutrition. Uneducated adults are likewise more averse to send their kids to class. Hence, counseling of such individuals becomes an essential part as the first step to make them understand why education is important. Save Child Life Foundation aims at counseling as many parents as possible of the underprivileged children to make them see that children cannot be just breadwinners, their chances of survival and thrive relies on education. The desire for a better tomorrow cannot be fulfilled merely by putting children to work. Better informed parents can take better decisions and not let their children live the life of oppression and abuse.

School on Wheels- Save Child Life Foundation has provided School on Wheels, in parts of the country where permanent or stable infrastructure isn’t available or possible. Our skilled teachers and volunteers make sure of the amenities within the small but efficient school campus. Children are provided with basic reading and writing material with training to impart at home for the betterment of each family.

Permanent Schools- A proposed project that will follow the standards of recommended syllabus, teacher-student ratio, appropriate schooling environment and competition opportunities of regional/national level. Save Child Life Foundation believes that for education to be effective in shaping the personality of children, it is essential that healthy competitive spirit and exposure to the outside world is provided.

Weekend & Night School- In the direction of imparting education to ‘one and all’, the foundation has planned to launch a schooling campaign for the adults. WIth the collaborative efforts of our team, the volunteers and corporate partners, classes on the weekend and night time shall be conducted at permanent school campus or on ‘School on Wheels’. The aim to educate adults will bring benefits of reduced to no wage gap, reduction in oppression and better living conditions.

School for the Disabled- Another proposed project of the foundation is to build a school for blind, deaf and mute. Save Child Life Foundation believes in equal provision of facilities, education and healthcare for better opportunities of job and livelihood in the future. With the ability of better understanding and communication through education, we bridge the gap between their disability  and path towards a brighter future.

Scholarship Programs- Save Child Life Foundation aspires to provide scholarship to bright students who generally drop out of school due to lack of financial support. No child shall be bound to leave the path or be deprived of education due to lack of finances. Our strong belief with the help of donations, corporate support and institutional partnerships, we shall reach out to the schools and provide necessary aid.

Vocational Skill Program- Several vocational skill training programs shall be launched in conjunction with theoretical education to build the personality of children. Such training shall enable them to be financially independent and have the ability to support their family while receiving better education.

Primary education & Creche at shelter homes- Primary education and creche facility shall be provided at shelter homes. These homes which will provide accommodation to orphaned and to the children who run away from their homes shall be the centre of shaping their future. Creche facility for those unprivileged families who are bound to work all day to earn their livelihood and have to either take small kids to work, which at times is hazardous for children such as construction sites, factories, etc. or leave the child at home with elderly to take care.