News: Street Grade Separated Intersection Project

Who we are

Who We Are

Save Child Life Foundation centers around the fundamental and basic rights of a child, for example, schooling, wellbeing, food and accommodation. Our methodology is comprehensive and hands on expertise. We fervently work on ground level, where the children are most vulnerable and need protection first hand. We empower the families, uplift communities and strengthen networks to build a better future together.

In order to make the future generation a promising one, it is essential for the children of today to be educated, empowered and enriched with essential nutrients. Save Child Life Foundation works toward the education, safety training and development with provision of life-saving healthcare services. We aim at bridging the gap among Indians who could mobilise and provide resources and a large number of deprived individuals and communities at the grassroots-level who are battling to meet their ends and need upliftment the most.

Apart from regular welfare programs, the foundation provides frontline assistance in times of crisis and natural disasters. The areas struck with drought, flood, earthquake and other such natural disasters or under conflict, hard to reach and under attack including the emergency as declared by the government, Save Child Life Foundation ensures that no child is left suffering and starving in deprivation. The sole purpose of the foundation lies in the belief that unless individuals from the common society are not included proactively in the process of upliftment and development of every other individual, feasible and long term positive and flourishing change won't occur.


About Us

Established in June 2020, Save Child Life Foundation is a Non Government Organisation aiming at awareness and welfare programs for the vulnerable sections of society particularly children and women of the remote areas. Our firm belief is that every child is special and shouldn’t be deprived of basic rights. Through provision of healthcare services, shelter for the unprivileged, education and awareness programs, we passionately work towards a future to see children thriving. Along with it, we aim at being champions at making the women of India feel more safe, become financially independent and have the provision of health & hygiene services.

Committed towards the goal of giving back to society, our corporate partners walk with us providing valuable inputs in constantly training and developing our programs to reach out in the remotest corners of the country.

Save Child Life Foundation, as the name speaks aims at saving as many lives of children but there is no stopping at just saving lives. Our aim of giving these lives saved, the much deserving chance of a bright and better future keeps us on our toes and constantly launching welfare and awareness programs. From provision of wholesome meals, healthcare and hygiene, emergency services, safety awareness and self defence training, education services, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, boys & girls hostels, Old age homes, mental health services and counseling, career development and vocational skills training to on the job training and funding the home based earning options for women to keep the age old traditions ongoing while making them self reliant; Save Child Life Foundation is to expand its wings in the areas which are the need of the hour.



To inspire the ardent work towards a sustainable, more literate, skilled and healthy generation of the future through pathbreaking methodology and technology.



Ability to reach out in the corners of the nation and make the individuals self reliant and children future ready for building a stronger, more literate and healthy nation.


Our Values

Passion- We are passionate about what we do, this makes us keep going. Save Child Life Foundation was established out of passion for betterment of children and women in the society and every individual onboard carries the same feeling working towards a common goal.

Integrity- Every one of our choices and activities depend on uprightness and nothing comes at the expense of our morals and trustworthiness. Maintaining and keeping up the best expectations of individual and expert conduct is the path ahead for us.

Transparency- The foundation believes in transparency when it comes to bookkeeping, donation disclosures, allotment of funds and maintaining documents. Enabling clear information to the concerned stakeholders keeps us in the good books while maintaining the trust with the people we work with and work for.

Accountability- We assume liability for utilizing our assets productively, accomplishing results and being responsible to our allies, accomplices and, above all else, children. The belief of owning up to what we do and have is our lifeline to live by.

Goal Oriented- Save Child Life Foundation has a clear set of goals to achieve and we endeavor to pursue them. Year-on-year, we pledge to improve the nature of our work which will have an immediate effect on the lives of lakhs of children each year.



Founder - Pragya Chandra

A dedicated, visionary and passionate person is what defines Pragya Chandra the best. With over 20 years of experience in the Exhibition & Travel industry from tour manager to an entrepreneur, owning a company to consultant with international firms, there has been no stopping for him. His experience across the countries and cultures in contrast with on ground operations within Indian territories led him to the places which made him realise there is more to be done for the welfare of the society, and there is no way to start building a better future than with shaping children of today to be future ready. Hence, Save Child Life Foundation came into existence to provide education, healthcare services, training and development, counseling and protection guidelines.

Pragya believes in combined efforts, empowered individuals, collaborative approach towards greater learning and upliftment of communities. With sheer focus, logistic and operational expertise, visionary and innovative ideas, he drafts out a success plan with excellence in deliverables.
