News: Street Grade Separated Intersection Project



For a developing nation, like India, it is imperative for the citizens to be aware of their rights and their ability to use their rights freely with an approach to advocacy of the same. Just like the adult citizens of the country, certain fundamental rights for the children, in addition to the Fundamental Rights have been specified. They are:

  • Right to free and compulsory elementary education for all children in the 6-14 year age group   (Article 21 A)
  • Right to be protected from any hazardous employment till the age of 14 years (Article 24)
  • Right to be protected from being abused and forced by economic necessity to enter occupations unsuited to their age or strength (Article 39(e))
  • Right to equal opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and guaranteed protection of childhood and youth against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment (Article 39 (f))
  • Right to early childhood care and education to all children until they complete the age of six years (Article 45)

However, the sad part is, the awareness among the children is highly questionable in India where a large number of adults are themselves illiterate and unaware. In order to make people aware in the farthest corner of the country, the foundation will provide legal aid and advocacy services to the unprivileged.

Child Labour Rescue- The issue of child labour is not hidden from any government and is visible not in a country like India but several times in developed countries the evidences have been seen. Save Child Life Foundation strongly opposes child labour and will run programs in conjunction with local authorities for rescue of underage children who have been employed, whether as house help or in commercial centres. More than a million of children who work as child labourers are not able to read or write their name and the working conditions are worse than basic standards. Children who work in mining, cracker factories and other dangerous conditions are not aware of the risks let alone the awareness of their rights. For a better nation and development of future generations to come, it is imperative that we rescue and secure the children of today and provide them with better nutrition with education.

Legal Aid- Save Child Life Foundation has always prioritized the welfare of the powerless against disregard, brutality, misuse and abuse and those in struggle with law. These days an ever increasing number of children are falling prey to the lack of legal awareness and need legitimate guidance, reference administration and satisfactory consideration and restoration. Hence, the foundation provides assistance to those in strife with the law, and those needing care and insurance which incorporates child beggars, victims of child trafficking, dismissed youngsters, deserted kids, sexually abused kids and road kids, every one of them with various necessities and weaknesses.

Advocacy & Policy- Advocacy is fundamental to making sure about enduring change in childrens' lives and is essential to our movement of progress. Our advocacy incorporates examination and strategy analysis, campaigning, strategic litigation and as part of law and policy initiatives, both government and non-government and lobbying in all the topical zones that we work on.