News: Street Grade Separated Intersection Project



A better standard of life and healthy environment isn’t possible unless every individual is made to feel safe and capable enough to develop with the surroundings. Save Child Life Foundation aims at providing a safe and nurturing environment for every child to grow in. The responsibility doesn’t end here, it is essential for every parent to be aware of the vulnerabilities of their children and harms that can be caused to them. Hence, we provide comprehensive training to adults as well as children.

Hands on Child Care training for adults- With the ratio of one professional child care expert and 20 parents, we provide basic first aid and medication training to adults. This ensures that parents are aware how they can prevent certain diseases and infections and also be proactive with child’s care while handling them.

Risk Identification Training- It is imperative that children as well as parents know what are the potential risk factors and how they should be able to identify them. From sensitivity of touch to aggressiveness, the way to react in difficult situations and arguments with intoxicated individuals, these training shall provide the insight to the individuals to prevent and curb the vicious circle of abuse, exploitation and oppression.

Self Defense Training- Save Child Life Foundation aims to provide a holistic and safe environment to the most vulnerable for their bright future, especially the women of our society. Hence, our self defense expert trainers impart hands on training to women for them to be aware and understand the way to react causing minimum or no harm to themselves.

Counseling- Parents who are unaware and uneducated are less likely to identify and understand the need of attention a child might need at different stages of life. Since the needs of a toddler differ from a teen and so does their vulnerability. Our well trained counsellors listen and provide counseling services so that parents open up to their children and discuss sensitive matters. This will also help children to reach out to their parents and trusted adults in case they have been abused or are able to identify potential danger factors. Understanding and taking appropriate actions in such cases will be assisted by our volunteers and help children to make better decisions for their future. Also, with the current digital era and increased exposure of children to media, control and check on what children are watching and learning is also essential.

Skill Development Training- We at Save Child life Foundation believe that every individual should be financially independent and self-sufficient. Therefore, the idea to provide skill training to unemployed individuals is on the list. This program shall enable the youth to win their own bread and also keep the local artistry or their skill expertise alive.