News: Street Grade Separated Intersection Project



Mental well-being is a vital piece of a person's ability to lead a satisfying life – it impacts the capacity to frame and look after connections, study, work, seek after relaxation interests, and settle on everyday choices about schooling, work and lodging. When we account for an individual healthwise, it is imperative that sound mental well being is counted in. For this Save Child Life Foundation will take necessary steps as proposed.

Panchayat Counseling Drive- For the holistic development of rural areas, it is essential that progress should be made from grassroot level. We will provide counseling to the Gram Panchayat members, so that the message and the positive word that will be carried on further is supported and well understood for the benefit of all.

Counseling for the Distressed Families- There are many families across the nation who are distressed because of one or the other reason. This could be poverty, unemployment, health issues or disability, etc. to one or more members of the family. In such cases it is necessary for them to stay motivated and look for ways to resolve the issue. Save Child Life Foundation aims at providing counseling to these families and provides required assistance for maintaining mental health well being.